Quiz for Unit One and Unit Two
MED 115

A. Select the Appropriate Medical Term for the Following:  Please choose carefully, you only have one chance to select the correct answer on each question.  

1.  Severe chest pain due to lack of oxygen of the heart muscle

a. palpitation
b. angina
c. cardiac arrest
d. angina pectoris

2.  A natural groove or indentation

a. node
b. fossa
c. septum
d. sinus

3.  A broken bone with an open wound.

a. a fracture with a contusion
b. a compound fracture
c. a comminuted fracture
d. abrasion and negative finding for fracture

4.  Examination by feeling with the hand.

a. palpitation
b. auscultation
c. percussion
d. palpation

5.  A branch (i.e. of a nerve or vessel).

a. sigmoid
b. adductor
c. abductor
d. ramus

6.  One of the ankle bones

a. malleus
b. clavicle
c. malleolus
d. phalanx

7.  The outer covering of brain and spinal cord

a. meninges
b. pia mater
c. dura mater
d. membrance

8.  The first section of the large intestine

a. rectus
b. sigmoid
c. cecum
d. bursa

9.  Swelling

a. erythema
b. trauma
c. concussion
d. edema

10.  The throat

a. larynx
b. pharynx
c. thorax
d. phalanx

11.  The exit valve of the stomach

a. trigone
b. pylorus
c. patella
d. flexor

12.  Inflammation of a vein

a. arthritis
b. arteritis
c. pleuritis
d. phlebitis

13.  Inflammation of the kidney

a. hepatitis
b. pheumonitis
c. nephritis
d. neuritis

14.  Inflammation of the inner lining of the uterus

a. metritis
b. salpingitis
c. endometritis
d. endocarditis

15.  Deficiency of red cell in the blood

a. eclampsia
b. anemia
c. erythema
d. lupus erythematosus

16.  The blood vessel that supplies the heart muscle with blood

a. the carotid artery
b. the coronary vein
c. the coronary artery
d. the brachial arter

17.  The term that mean "a malignant tumor"

a. cancer
b. cataract
c. carcema
d. eclampsia

Understanding the Language of Medicine 
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