MED 115 - Understanding The Language of Medicine
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FAQ for 451 Project

  1. What's an FAQ
  2. FAQ stands for Frequently Asked Questions, or Frequently Answered Questions. FAQ's are common on the internet--when you go to a new area, DEFINITELY READ THE FAQ first, it will have many answers to common questions. Its considered bad net etiquette to ask questions that are covered in an FAQ.

  3. What are the minimum computer requirements I need to be able to access the online course?
  4. You would preferably need an IBM 486 compatible or higher running at 100 MHz or better. The type of operating system you use will affect the speed of your machine. We generally recommend that you use a processor that effectively supports Windows 95 and above.

  5. What Operating system do I need?
  6. As mentioned above, if using Windows, Win 95, Win 98, NT or 2000 will work just fine. Generally if the OS can support the Internet Explorer 5.0 (or higher) or Netscape 6.0 (or higher) browser and the Real Media plugins / players, you should be ready to roll.

  7. Will I be able to use Macintosh, Linux or Unix ?
  8. Yes! Again, as long as the operating system can support the Internet 5.5 (or higher) or Netscape 6.0 (or higher) browsers and Real Media player, you will be okay.

  9. How much memory does my computer need to have?
  10. Preferably, your computer should have no less than 32 Megs. The standard right now is about 64 Megs.

  11. What kind of monitor should I have?
  12. The kind of monitor you should have depends on you. Typically a monitor with a screen resolution of 800x600 pixels or one with 640x480 pixels should work. The size of the monitor is entirely up to your discretion.

  13. Do I need to be connected to the Internet and if so which web browser do I require?
  14. Yes, this is an online course so you will need to be connected to the Internet. Netscape 6.0 or Internet Explorer 5.0 or higher versions of the two will work. Most of the Internet service providers are pretty standard and you do not have to go with any particular one.

  15. Do I need to have an email account?
  16. Yes, you will need to have an email account because that is going to be our major way of contact. You can always call or make an appointment to see the instructor but email is EXTREMELY important for online courses. Most of the reminders and due dates will be communicated to you via email. The school provides free email accounts but you can feel free to create your own accounts with Hotmail, Yahoo and other free email service providers.

  17. What kind of modem would I need to be able to download course materials?
  18. Modems are available at quite reasonable prices today so the minimum we would advise you to have is a 33.6 modem. 56k modems are the way to go if you don’t want to fall asleep while your computer is trying to download.

  19. Who can we call or email if we need help with the course material or encounter problems with the web page?
  20. For help with the course material, you will need to contact Edith Mardiat, RRA who is the course instructor at (provide email details) . If you encounter problems with the web page, you may contact the group who designed the page at Web Page Problems.

  21. Who designed this course / the web page?
  22. This course was authored and designed by Edith Mardiat RRA and the conversion into an online course was done by a group of students for a computer science class project. The group members are: Natalie Alleman, Carolyne Kangethe, Amir Saghir, Wayel Shehab and Shadi Dajani. The class instructor is Mr. Michael Johnson. Fourth year medical student, Leann Benson pronounced the words found in the pronunciation guide.

  23. Will I enjoy this course?
