MED 115 - Understanding The Language of Medicine
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Table of Contents
Objectives Objectives
Unit One

Unit One Pronunciation Lexicon

Introduction to Understanding the Language of Medicine:
          Why is a Special Language Needed?
         Greek Plays a Prominent Role
         Why is Latin Also Used in Medical Language?
         Examples of Latin Terms
         The Greek Word Ending "-itis"
Unit Two

Unit Two Pronunciation Lexicon

Characteristics of Medical Terms
          Many Terms Originated in Antiquity
       Comparisons to Things Known
Unit Three Derivations of Greek Terms and Useful Notes on Latin
Unit Four Using English as a Key to Understanding Greek and Latin in Medical Terms
Unit Five Applying Etymology and Word Analysis
Unit Six Frequently Used Greek Stems of Nouns
Unit Seven Greek Word Elements Frequently Used as Prefixes
Unit Eight Greek Word Elements Used as Suffixes
Unit Nine Selected Clinical Terms Adapted from Greek Nouns
Unit Ten Basic Terminology of Neoplasms
Unit Eleven Influence of Latin on Medical Terms and Frequently Used Latin Nouns
Unit Twelve Simplified Rules to Observe Regarding Use of Medical Terms Derived from Latin
Unit Thirteen The Genitive Case of Latin Nouns and "Irregular" Stems to Memorize
Unit Fourteen Latin Diminutives
Unit Fifteen Frequently Used Latin Adjectives
Unit Sixteen Latin Prefixes and Suffixes
Unit Seventeen Clinical Terms Derived from Latin
Unit Eighteen Picturesque Anatomical Terms of Many Applications
Unit Nineteen Contributions by Other Languages to Medical Terminology
Unit Twenty Examples of Eponyms
Appendix Review of Miscellaneous Terms Reported as "Difficult to Remember"
  Selected Obstetrical Terms
  Selected Clinical Abbreviations
  Timetable of Selected Medical Innovations

Understanding the Language of Medicine © Copyright 1999,2000 Edith S. Mardiat RRA
All rights reserved.  No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored
in a retrieval system or transmitted, in any form or by any means,
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