MED 115 - Understanding The Language of Medicine
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Pronunciation Lexicon for Unit Two

  • There are variations in pronunciation.  For example between United States and Canada.  We offer you the pronunciation most frequently used.

anemia (a ne' me a) 

aponeurosis (ap'o  noo  ro'sis) 

arthritis (är thrit'is) 

atrium (a'tre um) 

brachial (bra'ke al) 

bronchitis (brän kit'is) 

bursa (bur' sa) 

cancer (kan'ser) 

carcinoma (kär'si no'ma) 

cardiac arrest (kär'de ak') 

cataract (kat'a rakt') 

cephalic (se fal'ik) 

clavicle (klav' i kel) 

corona (ko ro'na) 

eclampsia (ek lamp'se a) 

edema (e de'ma) 

embryo (em' bre o') 

encephalitis (en sef'e lit'is) 

erythema (er'i the'ma) 

gastrotomy (gas trät'o me

hepatitis (hep'a tit'is) 

hysterectomy (his'ter ek'te me

inflammatory  (in flam'a tôr'e

laryngectomy (lar'in jek'te me

lupus (loo' pus) 

malleus (mal'e es) 

malleolus (ma le'o lus) 

meningitis (men'in jit'is) 

nephrectomy (ne frek'to me

neuropathy (noo räp'a the

neurosis (noo ro'sis) 

patella (pa tel'a) 

phalanx (fa' lanks') 

pharyngitis (far'in jit'is) 

pneumonitis (noo' mo nit'es) 

poliomyelitis (po'le o'mi'e lit'is) 

salpinx (sal'pinks') 

septum (sep' tum) 

thorax (thôr' aks') 

thyroid (thi'roid') 

tracheotomy (tra'ke ät'o me

tympanum (tim'pa num) 

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Understanding the Language of Medicine
© Copyright 1999, 2000 Edith S. Mardiat RRA