MED 115 - Understanding The Language of Medicine
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Greek (in Latin transliteration*) Stem of Term Meaning Examples of Usage
hystera hyster- womb, uterus hysterectomy
oedema edemat- swelling inflammatory edema
erythema eryth- reddening inflammatory erythema
trauma trauma injury trauma center
haima hem-,hemat-
used as prefixes
blood hematothorax
(h)aima -emia
used as suffix
state of the blood
anemia=deficiency (an-) of the blood originally, but today used specifically to red cells of the blood
pneuma pneum- = air lung, also: air pneumonitis = pneumonia
pleura pleur- = rib side the double membrane covering the lung pleuritis = pleurisy

NOTE: The last few examples of usage are witnessing the fact that the true cause of many diseases were not known to the physicians of ancient times. For example, they did not know about blood cells nor about bacteria causing infection, since the microscope had not yet been invented in the Western World, so they used the term "pneumonia" instead of "pneumonitis" for "inflammation of the lung", naming it "a disease state of the lung".

Look at the Time Table of Medical Innovations (in the Appendix) and note the year (p.115) when the microscope was invented and for what purpose it was first used. Then check how long it took until bacteria were identified as disease causing micro-organisms. See also if you can find out when the cell theory was developed!


Quiz Unit 1 & 2
Unit Two Pronunciation Lexicon

Understanding the Language of Medicine
© Copyright 1999, 2000 Edith S. Mardiat RRA