MED 115 - Understanding The Language of Medicine
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Term Original Meaning Medical Application
dura mater L.
dura = hard, rough, tough
mater = mother, symbol of protection
the relatively "tough" protective outer layer of the membranes covering brain and spinal cord
pia mater L. pia = tender, devoted, "pious" the more delicate innermost layer of the membranes covering brain and spinal cord
cataract Gr. waterfall, (cata- = down,-rass = gushing, rushing) an opacity (cloudiness) in the lens of the eye, the term compares the cloudy appearance of the diseased lens to the gushing turbulent waters that are also no longer transparent.
embryo Gr. bryon = bud, sprout, growth, 
em- = within
the developing offspring in the womb
eclampsia Gr. lampein = to shine, to hold up a lamp; ec- = out, gone out hypertensive disease of pregnancy, toxic complication of pregnancy, that is fatal if not diagnosed and treated early and that was known to "put out the patient’s light of life"

E. Many other terms were borrowed from names of tools, utensils or structures
familiar in daily life:

Term Original Meaning Medical Application
atrium L
pl. atria
entry hall the right or left entry-chamber of the heart
bursa L
pl. bursae
purse or money bag a fluid-filled sac-like pad located
near joints to reduce friction
clavicle L.
little bolt or locking device collar bone
corona L.
adj. coronary
crown pert. to one or more branches of the coronary artery coronary artery = the artery that supplies the heart muscle with blood by its "crown-like" branches

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Understanding the Language of Medicine
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