MED 115 - Understanding The Language of Medicine
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(Please see Pertinent Anatomical Illustrations for these Terms)

Term Original Meaning Medical Application
rectum L.
(neuter gender)
straight ________ a straight structure, used with the neuter gender, refers to "intestinum rectum" or the "straight intestine", meaning the distal straight portion of the large intestine, whereby the word "intestinum" is only implied, the neuter ending (-um) is sufficient to differentiate it from "rectus".
trapezius L/Gr.

trapezoid, an irregular four-sided figure


a large back muscle of trapezoid shape,
trigone Gr. triangle

a triangular configuration or area of such shape; f.ex.: the trigone of the urinary bladder is an area of the bladder shaped like an upside-down triangle at the base of the bladder. .
rhomboideus L/G shaped like a rhombus

one of the back muscles of rhomboid shape
sinus L a curve
or hollow


a curved cavity; such as
1. a cavity in the skull, (the paranasal sinuses);
2. a curved widening of a vessel (f.ex. carotid sinus = a curved widened area in the carotid artery in the neck).
3. a hollow, as in the term "sino-atrial node" (abbr. SA node) = a tiny node or knot of special fibers located in a minute hollow of the right atrium.
4. The term "sinus" applies also still to other curved hollow spaces or widened vessels.

NOTE:  The S/A node initiates the heart beat as our natural pacemaker.  This impulse for contraction of the chambers of the heart is part of the cardiac conduction system of contraction "signals" to coordinate the pumping action of the lower chambers (of the ventricles) with those of the atria.

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Understanding the Language of Medicine
© Copyright 1999, 2000 Edith S. Mardiat RRA